Hutt City Residential and Suburban Centre Design Guide
Working with Hutt City Council’s Planning Department, a comprehensive design guide was developed to assist with the implementation of intensification of residential and suburban centre activity areas. The guide focused on four different development scenarios including: mixed use; intensive residential; comprehensive development; and residential infill options. The design guide outlines maximum height allowances, placement of carparking and the encouragement of laneways, fencing styles and boundary treatments, and outdoor living space requirements, identifying possible design methods to address potential breaches in bulk and location requirements.
The intention of the design guide is to develop a user, public-friendly document which would promote good design techniques while not necessarily adhering strictly to Bulk and Location Standards, while achieving a higher level of density. The growth study promoted several changes to density, bulk and location standards to promote a higher level of development while also allowing for a more permissive approach to encourage comprehensively designed, higher density developments.
This work won a 2020 Best Practice Award - District / Strategic Planning and Guidance from the New Zealand Planning Institute - https://www.planning.org.nz/Category?Action=View&Category_id=2192
Lower Hutt City Council